“I do not understand my actions. for I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate… I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do … I delight in the law of God, in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin which dwells in my members. “ St. paul ( rom 17:25)
When I was in my early 20S that was the first time and new battle for me. I started facing an enemy inside me. There was a time I don’t know how to fight. When the time was quiet, I start practicing how to remain calm so fighting with myself doesn’t bother me. After 4 years of hurdles, I have figured out who I am as a human.
“Have you ever felt that all your ideas are dumb and you will never get rid of them? Before you take any action you may have defeated yourself ?”
How nice if someone can tell our future because we all want to know our future. when you towards from your early 20s to your late 20s. you face many obstacles & occurrences in life.
When you are in your adulthood, seeking your first job, the first relationship, exploring new hobbies. Being in your twenties is often confusing and lonely.
Whatever we are today comes from our yesterday. which includes your childhood environment, family background, Friend circle, etc.
As you get older you start knowing the other aspects of this world.
A human person is in a never-ending search of oneself. When we go out in search of people outside our world, then only the suffering is found.
The world makes you realized that we are fighting wars in our daily life. This war is not with anyone but with yourself, And here only you have to prove to yourself how good you are to yourself. Your comparison with your own so stops comparing to another success with yourself. you are unique & Success is different for each individual. Stop chasing people, stop believing in soulmates, there is no perfect thing that exists in this world. An only perfect opportunity exists, it depends on you how you can utilize the particular opportunity.
“Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chamber of your own soul.”
Ezra Taft Benson
“Whatever happens, happens for the best”
Often it happens most of the time we failed to fight with own self. There is a misconception in our Indian society whenever something happened, people come out with the same prejudice often they say don’t worry “ whatever happens, happens for the best” & we start believing & fooling our self rather than think about it. We also accept all that should never be done. Don’t you think that this is the absurd & philosophical spurious of all time? it’s only okay to give fake complications. I’m saying that because we never get anything best from WW2 and girls who were raped.
Only thing is that you can learn from your past experiences, If you can learn something, learn it. Once the entire human race, comes to the rescue of every other species, flora, and fauna on this planet then only we can exist peacefully among ourselves. Only we can together explore other aspects of this universe.
We can’t control things but we all are flowing with it only with the hope that life will surprise us one day. For good changes, you need to understand the event happening around you as well as in your inner world because All good things involve some uncertainty, courage, risk, and a lot of patience.
Your well-wisher,
Hope you enjoyed this blog,
Originally published at https://theconfusedmind.net on March 6, 2021.