Many of us will be aware of the word “syadvada” one of the central themes of Jain’s philosophy.
There is a beautiful story about six blind men. Once someone told them about the Elephant. They had no idea about the Elephant and they decided. Despite, they would not be able to see, But today we can all walk and feel it, right? And then they all proceed towards the place where the elephant came.
Everyone started touching the elephant.
I understand, an elephant is like a pole “, the first person said while touching the elephant’s feet.
“Oh no, an elephant is like a rope.” The other person said while holding the tail.
“I tell you, it’s like a tree ”, the third person said while holding the trunk.
“What are you guys talking about, an elephant is like a big hand fan.”, The fourth person explained to everyone by touching the ear.
“No-no, it’s like a wall.”, The fifth person said with his hands on his stomach.
“It is not like that, the elephant is like a rigid tube.”, The sixth person made his point.
And then everyone started arguing among themselves and started to prove themselves right. Their debate got faster and it seemed as if they would have to fight among themselves.
Just then, a wise man was passing by. He paused and asked them, “What’s the matter, why are you quarreling with each other?”
“We are not able to decide what the elephant looks like.”, He replied.
And then in turn he explained his point to the person.
The wise man listened calmly to everyone and said, “You all are right in your place. The difference in your description is because you all touched different parts of the elephant.
But, if you see, whatever you said, all those things are right for the description of the elephant. “
“ good !! It is so. “ Everyone answered together. After that, there was no dispute, and everyone was happy that they were all telling the truth.
We need to understand from different perspective and accept our differences with love.