Why are we still here? Just to suffer? — The Confused Mind

5 min readJan 29, 2021


“Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?”

Yesterday night, before going to bed, I was surfing over the internet, as I always do, I got the video & there was a quote
“Why are we still here? Just to suffer?” is a quote, which went viral in 2015.

Explore any question depends on how we define it

Sometimes we are badly affected by the occurrences that break us deep inside. It is easy to think that we understand something but reality can be misleading. After realization, we try to figure out what is missing to test our understanding. “ Is it really required ? “

So everyone suffers because it is a part of the human race, while the biggest cause of human suffering is a failure to fulfill the wishes and these desires can be of many types which include sex, relationship, family, honor, knowledge, money, food, success, etc. We all feel the urge to fulfill them. When we are unable to fulfill, then we suffer. The good news is that we can avoid suffering because we are the only creators of our suffering, so we can stop it if we could find out the cause of our suffering then we can implement methods to end it.

Suffering can be any type for instance, mental, physical, or spiritual, I have noticed some reason of suffering in my life why we suffer. Let find out some reasons and how we can make it a medium of awareness and happiness in our life.

Stop trying to change the world

Just bear with me

When you care more about the people around you and society then you will feel that the world can be a cruel place. If you are helpful and want to help someone when they don’t want to be helpful, can be a cause of suffering. Most of the time you did this because you care about people, Even if you are doing it for their happiness, when you did this then people feel that you are trying to control them and whenever this happens, people will go away from you.

“It happens when parents control their child, everyone knows that they are doing this for the happiness of the child but many times it happens and the child becomes unhappy and cannot do what he wants to do and both parents and child suffer in this situation.”

What would people think or say?

This is also a very big reason for suffering when the opinion of the people starts dominating you, you will not be able to do what you want to do that way people will start using you in their way.

So don’t make someone else’s opinion your life.
To avoid this suffering, you do not have to listen to unnecessary opinions of people, you have different experiences, It can be powerful in any aspect of life. You are good enough all by yourself.

Be selfish for your happiness

Yes, some people would say that this opinion is biased and wrong but this does not mean that you have to make others sad for your happiness.
It is a selfish attitude but If you don’t do this, then people in front of you will dominate you. So it is really necessary for your Survival. You have to fight for your rights and it is also your duty.

Try to live in the present

Try to avoid live in with memories, if you do this then you are ruining your present, and this thing will give you more pain in the future.
This is why when you are emotional and think about your past that makes you sadder & depresses.

So it is important that you need to know your responsibility and accept what happened in your past and you need to learn from your past so that in the future you can deal with that problem well.

Think later & Act now

Try to avoid overthinking & don’t set your limitations, Try how you can go beyond your limits. We all are humans, we have emotions and feelings so whenever you set your limit and go against your feelings then you will always suffer. You’ll get plenty of time to think about life, but it’s time to do something.

In life, everyone suffers and if we can find out the right cause of suffering then we can remove it. When you will be able to do this then surely you will be able to see the world happy & prosperous.

“If you will be happy then people around you will be happy.”

so here I will argue that thinking positively always is necessary to constantly solve the problems and necessary for humans’ survival and moral decisions.

In the last, I’m leaving you a question for which you can put your answer in the reply section:-

“How would you react if you noticed these in someone you care about?”

Hope you enjoyed this blog,

Originally published at https://theconfusedmind.net on January 29, 2021.



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